➊ The Strengthening the Capacity for National Drugs Control Coordinating Institution in Vietnam (2004-2006 534,000 USD)
The Project for Strengthening Environmental Protection Capacity of the Institute of Environmental Technology in Vietnam (2007-2008 900,000 USD)
The ICT Legislation Project in Vietnam (2004-2005 860,000 USD) The Reconstruction of the Vietnam-Korea Clinic in Hanoi (2005-2006 1,300,000 USD)
The Project for Strengthening the Environmental Protection Capacity in Some Key Industries in Vietnam (2003-2005 600,000 USD)
The Project for Establishment of an E-Library at Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy (2006-2007 1,425,000 USD)
The Project for Establishment of ROK-Vietnam Environmental Training Center (2007-2010 1,500,000 USD)
The Project for the Improvement of the Vietnam Judges' Training School (2008-2011 3,000,000 USD)
The Project for the Establishment of Integrated Information Management System for Vietnam Competition Authority (2011-2014 1,500,000 USD)
The Improved Health Insurance Legislation and Capacity Building in Management and Implementation of Health Insurance Policy (2011-2013 800,000 USD)
The Project for Strengthen the Climb Capability of the ASEAN ROK University in Vietnam (2010-2012 5,000,000 USD)
The Technical Assistance and Research for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases Including Japanese Encephalitis in Six ASEAN Countries (2002-2006 2,500,000 USD)
➋ The Project for Strengthening Environmental Protection Capacity of the Institute of Environmental Technology in Vietnam (2007-2008 900,000 USD) The Detailed Master Plan of the New Urban Area in the North of Cam River of Hai Phong City (2007-2010 3,700,000 USD)
➌ The Project for Upgrading the Korea-Vietnam Industrial Technology School in Vietnam (2007-2008 2,300,000 USD)
❹ The Modification of Hue City's Master Plan (2011-2013 3,500,000 USD)
❺ The Strengthening the Capacity for National Drugs Control Coordinating Institution in Vietnam (2004-2006 534,000 USD) The Project for Establishment of Korea-Vietnam Friendship IT College (2004-2007 10,000,000 USD)
❻ The Strengthening the Capacity for National Drugs Control Coordinating Institution in Vietnam (2004-2006 534,000 USD)
❼ The Project for the Establishment of Bac Giang College of Vietnam-Korea Technology (2010-2014 10,000,000 USD)
❽ The Upgrading Technical Infrastructure and Strengthening Vocational Training for the Comprehensive Training School of Quang Tri Province (2011-2013 4,700,000 USD)
❾ The Project for Establishing a General Hospital in Quang Nam Province in Vietnam (2006-2012 35,000,000 USD)
❿ The Project for Kien Giang Groundwater Development (2007-2010 2,400,000 USD)