English I

Quality of Life Indices


 The Better Life Index is an interactive web-based tool created to engage people in the debate on well-being, and through this process learn what matters the most to them. The tool invites viewers to compare wellbeing attitudes across countries according to the importance you give to 11 topics: community, education, the environment, civic engagement, health, housing, income, jobs, life satisfaction, safety, and work-life balance. Korea was recently ranked 27th out of 36 countries including the 34 member countries of the OECD, Russia, and Brazil. Korea was ranked very high in education, but low in the work-leisure balance and life satisfaction. This result primarily comes from the fact that Korean employees work long hours and have therefore have relatively little time for leisure. Moreover, the income gap is an issue that spotlights a huge difference in income by 10.5 times between upper 10% and lower 10% on average.
